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    english thread (136 respuestas) thread icon

    94 [del]

    Nobody speaks to me. People fall in love with me, and annoy me and distress me and flatter me and excite me and all that sort of thing. But no one speaks to me. I sometimes think that no one can. Can you?

    — MILLAY, Edna St. Vincent, from a letter to Arthur Davison Ficke.

    95 [del]

    Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.

    ― ANDERSON, Jamie.

    96 [del]

    My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you've been mean to someone, they won't believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it's time to stop being nice, then destroy them.

    ~ HAMILTON, Laurell K., A Stroke of Midnight.

    97 [del]

    To be in favor of solitude is not to be against community or friendship or love. It’s not that being alone is better, just that without the experience of it we block ourselves from discovering something enormously beneficial, perhaps even vital, to selfhood. Who are you when you are not a friend, a partner, a lover, a sibling, a parent, a child? When no one is with you, what do you do, and do you do it differently than if someone was there? It’s hard to see someone fully when another person is always attached to them. More importantly, it’s hard for us to see our own selves if we’re not ever alone.

    — CAIN, Amina, A Horse at Night

    98 [del]

    Dreams are shores where the ocean of spirit meets the land of matter. Dreams are beaches where the yet-to-be, the once-were, the will-never-be may walk awhile with the still are.

    ― MITCHELL, David.

    99 [del]

    Nikocado Avocado is the only YouTuber that has his haters care about his health more than his fans do.

    100 [del]

    She's a ten but she wants to turn into a nymph and live in an enchanted, ethereal meadow with a magical lake.

    101 [del]

    To be nothing but coldness.

    ― SARTRE, Jean-Paul, Nausea.

    102 [del]

    How sensual is the act of destruction…I can think of nothing which excites me more deliciously. There is no ecstasy similar to that which we experience when we yield to this divine infamy.

    ― SADE, Marquis de, Justine

    103 [del]

    We leave a stain, we leave a trail, we leave our imprint. Impurity, cruelty, abuse, error, excrement, semen — there’s no other way to be here. Nothing to do with disobedience. Nothing to do with grace or salvation or redemption. It’s in everyone. Indwelling. Inherent. Defining. The stain that is there before its mark.

    — ROTH, Philip Roth, The Human Stain.

    104 [del]

    We must cultivate, all of us, a certain ignorance, a certain blindness, or society will not be tolerable.

    ― COETZEE, J. M.

    105 [del]

    Go out and do something. It isn’t your room that’s a prison, it’s yourself.

    ― PLATH, Sylvia.

    106 [del]

    lol this site is up again

    107 [del]

    The best listeners listen between the lines.

    ― MALKIN, Nina.

    108 [del]

    Nobody looks good in their darkest hours. But it’s those hours that make us what we are.

    ― MONING, Karen Marie, Faefever.

    109 [del]

    fact: the bayonet is just a strapon for a gun.

    110 [del]

    I just saw a girl streamer get harassed by a dude she beat, and she popped off with "I`m going to fuck your dad and give him a child he'll actually love".
    Bro, how the fuck do you recover from that.

    111 [del]

    The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just who is doing the creating.

    – LEVENTHAL, Eric Micha’el, A Light from the Shadows.

    112 [del]

    The battle for Omegle has been lost, but the war against the Internet rages on. Virtually every online communication service has been subject to the same kinds of attack as Omegle; and while some of them are much larger companies with much greater resources, they all have their breaking point somewhere. I worry that, unless the tide turns soon, the Internet I fell in love with may cease to exist, and in its place, we will have something closer to a souped-up version of TV – focused largely on passive consumption, with much less opportunity for active participation and genuine human connection.

    113 [del]

    It’s not ‘natural’ to speak well, eloquently, in an interesting articulate way. People living in groups, families, communes say little–have few verbal means. Eloquence–thinking in words–is a byproduct of solitude, deracination, a heightened painful individuality.

    — SONTAG, Susan, As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh.

    114 [del]

    Hatred is increased by being reciprocated, and can on the other hand be destroyed by love.

    — SPINOZA, Baruch, Ethics.

    115 [del]

    Turn off instagarch and look into your pockets.
    That's the real you.

    116 [del]

    Truth is no road to fortune...

    — ROSSEAU, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract.

    117 [del]

    H.P. Lovecraft's cat was named Nigger Man. This was also the name of the cat in the short story, The Rats in the Walls, which was first published in 1924. When the story was published again in the 1950s, the cat was renamed Black Tom.

    118 [del]

    No man expects such exact fidelity as a traitor.

    — SÉNECA, On Anger.

    119 [del]

    me, every second of my life: but is it meaningful? but is it meaningful? but is it meaningful?

    120 [del]

    You could never understand the relationship between a girl and the block button.

    121 [del]

    Do not pronounce the secrets of yourself
    even if you are alone.

    — Akkadian wisdom.

    122 [del]

    Whoever does not know beer
    does not know good,
    for beer brings joy
    to the house.

     — Summerian wisdom.

    123 [del]

    [i]To beer or not to beer[(i]

     — SHAKESBEER, William.

    124 [del]

    no such thing as original art. you draw cats? that’s kitty fan art. mountains and forests? landscape fan art. fashion? clothes fan art. if you draw ocs that’s fan art of the guy that lives in your head.

    125 [del]

    I have never cummed. I am holding it all in so that when I eventually get someone pregnant, the baby will be extra large.

    126 [del]

    “Why aren’t people making the kind of old-world classical sculptures and oil painting I like anymore?” I dunno dude why aren’t you providing an artist with a full time salary and residence on your property so they can focus on nothing but making one painting for three years.

    127 [del]

    Have you ever wanted to ask a question but didn’t because you knew in your heart that you wouldn’t be able to handle the answer?

    128 [del]

    I saw something that reminded me of you. I wanted to show you, but then I remembered that we don’t talk anymore.

    129 [del]

    This is not a goodbye, my darling, this is a thank you. Thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy, thank you for loving me and receiving my love in return. Thank you for the memories I will cherish forever. But most of all, thank you for showing me that there will come a time when I can eventually let you go.

    — SPARKS, Nicholas, Message in a Bottle.

    130 [del]

    the best steven universe character was blue zircon, who in about six minutes of screentime has an anxiety attack, packbonds with the alien she’s assigned to defend, and accuses a dictator of intra-familial premeditated murder.

    131 [del]

    — Having a lazy day per week can help reduce stress, high blood pressure and improve mental health.

    — Now imagine having 7 lazy days per week. How healthy is that.

    132 [del]

    I love your posts. are you ovulating?

    133 [del]

    to fuck you in the vagina yes or not?

    134 [del]

    It's okey if you are so virgin, but minors are not allowed in Vampiro's.

    135 [del]

    Bueno, mi modesta experiencia en el discord no me pareció tan interesante como la del textboard, pero tuvo raptos de gran intensidad. Vertiginosa, diría.

    136 [del]

    jerking off makes it sound like such a mean thing. hey im gonna grouch off. why is there so much hate in this world.

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