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    I'm on the toilet right now (22 respuestas) thread icon

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    taking a shit while reading this shit board in a language I cant understand

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    how is the poo going?

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                    ε ⌒ヘ⌒ヽフ
                   (     |・ω・)Mi ser gringou, mi goustar burger.
                    しー し─J

    5 [del]

    do you like burgers Mr. Gringo?

    6 [del]

    δεν τρώω μπιφτέκια. είμαι χορτοφάγος.

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    Now I am pissing

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    The gringo is back!

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    U like pissing while visiting Vampiros?

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    hablo mas idiomas que tu, hijo de puta

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    Pero hablas idiomas buenos?

    12 [del]

    Califiquen mi set de lenguajes:
    - inglés
    - español
    - francés
    - portugués a medias
    - aprendiendo chino

    13 [del]

    As shitty as the toilet bowl I just left. Too many romance languages. Chinese sucks compared to Japanese. Learn German, or Greek, or Russian, to add some spice to your list.

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    Not the person you responded to, but I agree with the Russian selection though Chinese is infinitely more fascinating to me than Japanese. Maybe it's because I'm not a weeb.

    15 [del]

    Yes, I'm trying to learn non-romance languages and that's why I'm learning Chinese.
    >Chinese sucks compared to Japanese
    ok weeaboo

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