134 Nombre: Roderick Usher 07-05-2024 (Tue) 10:43:45 [del]
Remember that you were art long before he came to admire you, and you’ll continue to be art even when he’s gone. A masterpiece is still a masterpiece when the lights are off, and the room is empty.
~BEIER, Charlotte.
135 Nombre: Kim Possible 09-05-2024 (Thu) 23:45:38 [del]
Do you think it’s possible that some people are born to give more love than they will ever get back in return?
136 Nombre: Espantapájaros 13-05-2024 (Mon) 23:56:47 [del]
The best gift you are ever going to give someone - the permission to feel safe in their own skin. To feel worthy. To feel like they are enough.
~BRECHNER, Hannah.
137 Nombre: chupacabras 13-05-2024 (Mon) 23:59:38 [del]
I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.
139 Nombre: Peak Value 14-05-2024 (Tue) 23:50:34 [del]
Neil Gaiman wrote: "Everything good that happened in my writing career happened because someone, normally another writer, helped me. Suggested me for something, put in a good word, and so on. The idea was always that you help others and they help others in their turn. It's not a win or lose game."
I'm not Gaiman, and probably neither are you (unless you are, in which case hi, Neil.)
But this is true for me and true for most of us.
140 Nombre: memories of ancients 07-08-2024 (Wed) 13:34:44 [del]
Loved the incident in the Olympics during the Skateboarding event when the camera focused in on Tony Hawk in the stands and the announcer was like "ummm apparently this is a famous person who has something to do with skateboarding? Lost the note card with his name. Huh, he kinda looks like Tony Hawk."
141 Nombre: El Sombrerero 30-08-2024 (Fri) 17:52:09 [del]
Fire is not always the answer. Sometimes it's the question and the answer is yes.
145 Nombre: Vampiro; el Eclesiástico (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ) 01-09-2024 (Sun) 15:38:14 [del]
Many people live and die without ever confronting themselves in the darkness.
~MACHADO, Carmen Maria, Her Body and Other Parties.
146 Nombre: Gringou vampir 04-09-2024 (Wed) 11:49:26 [del]
I’ve always liked quiet people: You never know if they’re dancing in a daydream or if they’re carrying the weight of the world.
~GREEN, John.
147 Nombre: Zombi 04-09-2024 (Wed) 20:29:30 [del]
My Dear,
Find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you and let it devour your remains. For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it's much better to be killed by a lover.
~Falsely yours
148 Nombre: Old Funeral 12-09-2024 (Thu) 22:18:24 [del]
I trusted the process now I'm bald and living under a bridge.
150 Nombre: Lucifer 13-09-2024 (Fri) 12:02:16 [del]
Marketing and advertising people always assume that you're an idiot.
153 Nombre: Drácula 13-09-2024 (Fri) 19:25:26 [del]
The money doesn't makes you a person. Money can desfigurate a person
154 Nombre: Lestat de Lioncourt 14-09-2024 (Sat) 21:54:44 [del]
a plant has never felt the need to look in a mirror. i'll learn from them
155 Nombre: El Gato Negro 16-09-2024 (Mon) 21:23:09 [del]
I have licked the fire and danced in the ashes of every bridge I ever burned. I fear no hell from you.
~LYONS, Nicole.
156 Nombre: Lamento de Sangre 16-09-2024 (Mon) 21:33:14 [del]
I may think of you softly from time to time. But I'll cut off my hand before I ever reach for you again.
~MILLER, Arthur, The Crucible
157 Nombre: Maldoror 16-09-2024 (Mon) 21:38:33 [del]
Anything I've ever tried to keep by force I've lost.
~HOWE, Marie, from “Watching Television”, What the Living Do.
158 Nombre: Seitan copypaster 17-09-2024 (Tue) 17:31:21 [del]
I had a weird, empty feeling inside me. Not a bad sort of empty. It was a sort of lack of sensation, like being in pain for a long time and then suddenly realizing that you're not anymore.
~STIEFVATER, Maggie, Linger.
159 Nombre: La Llave Menor de Salom 17-09-2024 (Tue) 17:40:55 [del]
For someone who loved words as much as I did, it was amazing how often they failed me.
~RIO, M. L. , If we were villains.
160 Nombre: Lacerante Nostalgia 22-09-2024 (Sun) 15:54:44 [del]
I like people who have a sense of individuality. I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect, because that’s natural and that’s real.
~JACOBS, Marc.
161 Nombre: El Sombrerero 22-09-2024 (Sun) 17:10:53 [del]
I'm afraid of what I will let myself go through for love.
~MATEER, Trista, from "Aphrodite Made Me Do It," originally published in 2024.
162 Nombre: Hombre Invisible 22-09-2024 (Sun) 17:14:57 [del]
Having experienced both, I am not sure which is worse: intense feeling or the absence of it.
~ATWOOD, Margaret, The Blind Assassin.
163 Nombre: H.P. Lovecraft 22-09-2024 (Sun) 17:17:50 [del]
I confuse people. i have a happy personality and a sad soul. i'm bold but shy. i love deeply but sometimes i feel heartless. i'm healing and hurting at the same time. i'm dedicated to growth, but i self sabotage.
164 Nombre: Gringou vampir 24-09-2024 (Tue) 11:49:57 [del]
The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.
165 Nombre: Momificado 26-09-2024 (Thu) 11:25:09 [del]
The underlying purpose of AI is to allow wealth to access skill while removing the skilled the hability to access wealth.
166 Nombre: Vlad Tepes 26-09-2024 (Thu) 22:37:03 [del]
People empty me. I have to get away to refill.
~BUKOWSKI, Charles.
167 Nombre: Naraku 26-09-2024 (Thu) 22:44:51 [del]
If I have a piece of meat, and I eat it, I am no longer hungry. This is called "The Food Paradox". For more information, google: mario brothers big cum inflation feet cum wet pregnant and fart.
169 Nombre: Emily Brontë 27-09-2024 (Fri) 20:01:42 [del]
yo I’m in the valley of the shadow of death right now, text me when you get here.
170 Nombre: Hombre Invisible 28-09-2024 (Sat) 12:47:39 [del]
171 Nombre: Gringou vampir 29-09-2024 (Sun) 15:05:18 [del]
You are not a reflection of the people who can’t love you.
~SIEHL, Caitlyn.
172 Nombre: El holandés errante 29-09-2024 (Sun) 17:59:09 [del]
Bookstores always remind me that there are good things in this world.
~VAN GOGH, Vincent.
174 Nombre: Quote Unquote 01-10-2024 (Tue) 21:25:25 [del]
But each deed you do, each act, binds you to itself and to its consequences, and makes you act again and yet again. Then very seldom do you come upon a space, a time like this, between act and act, when you may stop and simply be. Or wonder who, after all, you are.
~LE GUIN, Ursula k.
175 Nombre: Sodomita 01-10-2024 (Tue) 21:50:16 [del]
I'm afraid
I will love you forever
and we will never be
in the same room
176 Nombre: Vampire inclusive 01-10-2024 (Tue) 21:53:42 [del]
I will remove anyone from my life to protect the peace that I've worked so hard for. Nobody took me out of the dark. I did it on my own.
177 Nombre: Invocación 01-10-2024 (Tue) 21:57:48 [del]
I want to write a novel about silence.
The things people don't say.
~WOOLF, Virginia.
178 Nombre: Lord Baltimore 02-10-2024 (Wed) 16:44:38 [del]
Even in his youth
Even in his youth
Even in his youth he was nothing
179 Nombre: Sauron... 02-10-2024 (Wed) 18:14:14 [del]
"I should kill myself": self-serving, reactionary.
"we should all kill ourselves": building community and connection, ideologically correct.
180 Nombre: Cthulhu 03-10-2024 (Thu) 10:56:30 [del]
When people treat you like they don’t care, believe them.
181 Nombre: Necrobumper 03-10-2024 (Thu) 19:49:14 [del]
Do you still perform autopsies on conversations you've had lives ago?
~COLLINS, Donte.
182 Nombre: ✟Traumaturgo 04-10-2024 (Fri) 13:42:10 [del]
Greetings, im havin fun here writhing in the terminal, yeah babey
183 Nombre: Cuervo Oscuro 04-10-2024 (Fri) 19:01:53 [del]
I hope that you never, not even for one second, become a secondary character in your own story.
185 Nombre: Zombi 04-10-2024 (Fri) 19:15:42 [del]
but when you are attracted to people, it's because of the details. Their kindness. Their eyes. Their smile. The fact that they can get you to laugh when you need it the most.
187 Nombre: Neil Caimán 05-10-2024 (Sat) 14:31:01 [del]
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were the kind of people who didn't need people.
~PRATCHETT, Terry, Maskerade.
188 Nombre: La llorona 06-10-2024 (Sun) 21:34:15 [del]
I am so sorry you had a traumatic childhood and it made you stupid on line. I was raised as a lotus flower and I smell like vanilla all the time.
189 Nombre: Anton LaVey 06-10-2024 (Sun) 22:22:35 [del]
It is the phenomenon sometimes called “alienation from self.” In its advanced stages, we no longer answer the telephone, because someone might want something; that we could say no without drowning in self-reproach is an idea alien to this game. Every encounter demands too much, tears the nerves, drains the will, and the specter of something as small as an unanswered letter arouses such disproportionate guilt that answering it becomes out of the question.
~DIDION, Joan, On Self-Respect, 1961.
190 Nombre: Boris Karloff 06-10-2024 (Sun) 22:34:46 [del]
“When you feel perpetually unmotivated, you start questioning your existence in an unhealthy way; everything becomes a pseudo intellectual question you have no interest in responding whatsoever. This whole process becomes your very skin and it does not merely affect you; it actually defines you. So, you see yourself as a shadowy figure unworthy of developing interest, unworthy of wondering about the world - profoundly unworthy in every sense and deeply absent in your very presence.”
~BERGMAN, Ingmar.
191 Nombre: Nigromante 07-10-2024 (Mon) 21:49:29 [del]
Armaments, universal debt, and planned obsolescence—those are the three pillars of Western prosperity. If war, waste, and moneylenders were abolished, you'd collapse. And while you people are overconsuming the rest of the world sinks more and more deeply into chronic disaster.
~HUXLEY, Aldous, Island
192 Nombre: Lacerante Nostalgia 07-10-2024 (Mon) 22:04:47 [del]
A man will always take you to his level. Either it's up or down. Choose wisely.
193 Nombre: Marceline Abadeer 07-10-2024 (Mon) 22:46:24 [del]
You will be too raw for some. You will be too loud, too big, too fierce, too quiet, too deep. These are not your people.
194 Nombre: Mona Parker 08-10-2024 (Tue) 18:03:55 [del]
You don’t find your worth in someone. You find your worth within yourself and then find someone who’s worthy of you. Remember that.
195 Nombre: Perra del Diablo 10-10-2024 (Thu) 02:45:26 [del]
You spend 100% of your life with yourself. Your first priority should be to love and impress yourself with your heart, mindset, talents, behavior & intelligence.
196 Nombre: Devil's bitch 11-10-2024 (Fri) 23:20:04 [del]
filmmakers who adapt classic gothic literature for the screen: damn i'm not reading that book no matter hWHAT.
198 Nombre: Vampirina Hauntley 13-10-2024 (Sun) 14:43:47 [del]
It's crazy how you have to choose to be different and then once you do it's not even over - you have to choose it again and again forever and yes one day it will feel so natural you don't even notice it anymore but there is no short cut to there, just willpower and repetition.
199 Nombre: Marceline Abadeer 15-10-2024 (Tue) 11:20:59 [del]
Sometimes, you have to decide, “this is the last time these people are gonna make me feel this way” and stand on it. Whether it’s family, a relationship, or a friendship.
200 Nombre: Marvin Pontiac 15-10-2024 (Tue) 16:58:33 [del]
Cold tomato Juice, Cold tomato Juice, on the veins, on the veins You'll must have...
207 Nombre: Antiguo escriba necrófago 20-10-2024 (Sun) 02:47:29 [del]
Sometimes i'd like to suck my cock so hard
209 Nombre: Antiguo escriba necrófago 20-10-2024 (Sun) 11:53:32 [del]
When somebody dreams of us together —that is when we shall meet.
— TSVETAYEVA, Marina, in a letter to Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters, Summer 1926: Pasternak, Tsvetayeva, Rilke
210 Nombre: Drama Queen 20-10-2024 (Sun) 12:56:57 [del]
Every night is a miracle.
Every morning is a funeral.
212 Nombre: Necrobumper 22-10-2024 (Tue) 22:13:57 [del]
if I ever pass away do NOT unfollow me. I will be back.
213 Nombre: Morticia 23-10-2024 (Wed) 01:13:11 [del]
my high school chorus teacher had a class rule that's stuck with me where if you knew you couldn't emotionally handle getting rejected for a solo then you shouldn't audition for it in the first place. the same principle applies to sex, if you can't handle hearing "no" then absolutely do not ask.
215 Nombre: Gringou vampir 23-10-2024 (Wed) 22:51:51 [del]
Sometimes I wonder how life would've been, when I had the chance of really live, instead of healing from many things, that weren't my fault.
~FIONA, Jessica.
216 Nombre: Mona Parker 23-10-2024 (Wed) 22:55:25 [del]
stop ignoring yourself. fix your posture, get a new hair cut, do your nails, take care of your skin, brush your teeth, drink water, eat foods that give you energy. get strong, stop looking sloppy. when you feel good, you do good. invest in yourself.
217 Nombre: Culto Satánico 23-10-2024 (Wed) 23:12:52 [del]
those are the best recommendations you can give
218 Nombre: Culto Satánico 24-10-2024 (Thu) 22:58:05 [del]
"If you block me it means you think I'm right" actually it means you're annoying and I wasn't enjoying our interaction. Life is too short to use my energy on strangers who suck.
219 Nombre: Drácula 27-10-2024 (Sun) 01:05:04 [del]
What hurts is the fact that you shared your soul with them just to be strangers again.
220 Nombre: Espantapájaros 27-10-2024 (Sun) 01:08:21 [del]
someone who destroyed your mental health
can not be the love of your life
221 Nombre: Sauron... 27-10-2024 (Sun) 13:56:02 [del]
Stop allowing people to make you feel bad for choosing not to tolerate their disrespect anymore. Real maturity is respecting yourself enough to know you deserve better.
222 Nombre: Nerd Kid 27-10-2024 (Sun) 14:04:55 [del]
I've always been told I was smarter, better, more mature, and a good student. I was praised for being good and having the best scores. It just came so easily to me. I came to school, retained information, took tests, and completed the work. Now things are definitely harder. I'm no longer in regular classes, I'm in Honors. I don't know how to study. I've never been taught, and I never figured it out. Help.
223 Nombre: Emily Brontë 27-10-2024 (Sun) 15:47:32 [del]
Don’t wait for things to get easier, simpler, better. Life will always be complicated. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise, you’ll run out of time.
224 Nombre: La Llave Menor de Salom 27-10-2024 (Sun) 15:53:18 [del]
How beautiful you are. Your beauty terrifies me. I hunger for you. I thist for you.
~RITSOS, Yannis, trans. by Kimon Friar, from a poem featured in "Erotica: Love Poems".
226 Nombre: Codename KND 31-10-2024 (Thu) 01:29:34 [del]
Count Spankulot is a vampire who exists to spank naughty children who violate rules.
228 Nombre: Vampire inclusive 02-11-2024 (Sat) 21:08:07 [del]
That urge is because of insecuritues of one. Nothing else...
229 Nombre: Mona Parker 02-11-2024 (Sat) 21:29:54 [del]
Could a vampire policemen enter my house if they had a warrant?
230 Nombre: vampi-hispa 02-11-2024 (Sat) 22:41:44 [del]
anybody got tips and tricks on how to not go absolutely fucking insane because of the deranged world order we live in.
231 Nombre: Lord Baltimore 04-11-2024 (Mon) 01:27:08 [del]
The ruling class has figured out that a happy and productive population with free time on their hands is a mortal danger.
~GRAEBER, David.
232 Nombre: Caotic0 04-11-2024 (Mon) 23:44:33 [del]
Some things are hard to write about. After something happens to you, you go to write it down, and either you over dramatize it, or underplay it, exaggerate the wrong parts or ignore the important ones. At any rate, you never write it quite the way you want to.
~PLATH, Sylvia, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath.