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    English thread (281 respuestas) thread icon

    1 [del]

    Hello all! Here we can post in english all our concerns... Btw nice site of
    Love you all, have a nice day.

    2 [del]

    I like burgers.

    3 [del]

    4 [del]

    I'm learning english. So, hello world!

    5 [del]

    Watsup broo

    6 [del]

    Yo, you want some good shit? *shows some good shit*

    7 [del]

    This thread was posted by a Spanish speaker.

    8 [del]

    Hopefully covid ends this year, I feel sick staying home all the time

    9 [del]

    Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away. (ノдT)

    10 [del]

    Imagine feeling bad at home. The corona is unironically the best thing that has happened to me in years.

    11 [del]

        / , ∪ `ヽーっ
        .l ,3    ⌒_つ
         `⊂ ,,. --'''''"

    12 [del]

    Pls kill me now :D

    13 [del]

    Seitan, you're  a beautiful person; you have dreams; you have family; let's dream and get our goals!

    14 [del]

    Hello everynyan.
    How are you? fine, thank you.

    15 [del]

    O MAI GAH!

    16 [del]

    I wish I were a bird.

    17 [del]

    (Espera, ¿no que "were" es en pasado?, creo que lo correcto sería "be")

    18 [del]

    Wish you were here...

    19 [del]

    My darlin' darlin' please~ ♪ ! (*´▽`*)

    20 [del]

    I wish to be a little girl \( >[]< )/

    21 [del]

    Little trouble girl...

    22 [del]

    W-what's means "trouble"?

    23 [del]

    It's a song

    24 [del]

    No, literally, what's means "trouble" in spanish; I'm so lazy for input it in the translator.

    25 [del]

    Oh, it means "problemática" or "problemático"

    26 [del]

    Thanks ( ^3^)/!

    27 [del]

    Carmen, I lost the necklace. Σ(・口・)

    28 [del]

    -Hey ron.

    29 [del]

    Smoke weed everyday

    30 [del]


    31 [del]

    is pee stored in the balls?

    32 [del]

    when we were kids, we thougt that... :l

    33 [del]

    Imagine thinking talking like a nigger is cool.

    34 [del]

    it's because niggers are cool boy...

    35 [del]

    CIA niggers want you to think that having a government ID is OK:

    Understanding the Power of Propaganda (An Analysis of Capabilities)

    36 [del]

    Capitalism loves a good dose of counterculture.
    Quizás porque convierte el punk de Sex Pistols en el de Green Day y luego en el de Avril Lavigne. Cada peldaño que escala es una instancia más consumible que los jóvenes y los pre-adolescentes compran con afán, creyendo que en ello reside un desafío a lo dominante.
    ¿Cómo podrá evitarse tamaña fagocitación?

    37 [del]

    To love someone is firstly to confess: I'm prepared to be devastated by you.

     ― BELCOURT, Billy-Ray, A History of My Brief Body

    38 [del]

    Eight Rules For Writing -- from a long ago piece I wrote for The Guardian.

    1 Write.

    2 Put one word after another. Find the right word, put it down.

    3 Finish what you're writing. Whatever you have to do to finish it, finish it.

    4 Put it aside. Read it pretending you've never read it before. Show it to friends whose opinion you respect and who like the kind of thing that this is.

    5 Remember: when people tell you something's wrong or doesn't work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.

    6 Fix it. Remember that, sooner or later, before it ever reaches perfection, you will have to let it go and move on and start to write the next thing. Perfection is like chasing the horizon. Keep moving.

    7 Laugh at your own jokes.

    8 The main rule of writing is that if you do it with enough assurance and confidence, you're allowed to do whatever you like. (That may be a rule for life as well as for writing. But it's definitely true for writing.) So write your story as it needs to be written. Write it honestly, and tell it as best you can. I'm not sure that there are any other rules. Not ones that matter.

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